
09 December, 2018

NO to grand public signs of affection

Wow, that sounds harsh, right? "NO." OK, chill... Recently I've been in some mood for romantic movies, which, for me is all the time, but I actually got some time and sat down and watched few of those. Of course, I formed so many opinions. If you want to read any reviews or opinions on movies or shows such as 50 Shades Freed or The Vampire Diaries, you can find them all under the tab "TV reviews".

Some of the movies I really like have one flaw. They have that one scene where one person shows their love for another in front of million people. I can't express enough how much I hate it. I'm a huge romance fan and I love mushy things when it comes to relationships and I honestly feel like this takes away from the romance.
I don't have anything against showing love, but there's a time and place for everything.
There's a difference between holding hands in public and telling your significant other you can't live without them at a football stadium. Ever since I can remember, those scenes made me cringe so hard (and I never use the word cringe so you know I'm serious). Maybe it's because I'm quite shy and don't want to be in a center of attention so I know I would be SO embarrassed and uncomfortable if anyone did it to me.
You can never be 100% sure they'll respond the way you want them too.
I honestly don't know how people aren't scared to do this. I know you should take risks when it comes to love I guess, but it's already scary enough to do some things privately. Adding hundreds or millions of people would throw me over the edge. Imagine you're going to propose to someone, you're at a concert and you just invited your significant other to the stage (the singer is obviously delighted by the idea of joining two people and making a better show with it). How can you be 100% sure they'll say "yes"? You can be together for 10 years and happier than ever and some sh*t can go wrong in that particular moment.
You're both on the spot...
And now you're both standing there, in front of everybody. OK, Landon is proposing to Jamie (yes, I'm a Walk To Remember fan, sue me). She'll maybe feel obligated to say "yes" and will think about it more because if she says "no", she'll be the devil here and he'll be the poor guy left in front of all these people. Even though people don't know their story, they'll make something up and in case the love isn't returned the way it is expected, someone is going to portrayed as an evil cupid.
...and now I can't enjoy the other thing cause I'm freaking engaged.
But let's say everything goes right. Landon proposes, Jamie says "yes" at the Backstreet Boys's concert. Now what? The chances are Jamie is going to cry about this and her make-up will probably be ruined or she'll just look like a mess. Happy mess, but still a mess. You're also now engaged and super emotional and excited and you're thinking about a 1000 things and you're also missing the concert.
You don't know anything about love so you're completely wrong.
I could be completely wrong. If you've been reading this blog, you should know that I never had a boyfriend so I didn't have the chance to experience any of these. However, if I ever find one, I really want him to read this so he wouldn't do this stupid mistake. Haha. I know it all changes when you're with the right person and in love, but I can't imagine ever wanting to be in the center of attention.

OK, let's see how many of us are there? Who's with me? And who loves these grand love ceremonies?

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