
30 March, 2020

Quarantine workout routine (for totally unfit people)

I've been MIA here for basically a month even though it seems like a year to me. I've missed this. Writing. To be honest, this quarantine shit is making me crazy, but that's a whole other post I'll write soon. For today, I decided to share my newest workout routine. I just made it few minutes ago and, as usual, I think I'll keep up with it more if I share it.
Also, another reason why I'm sharing this is because I've been seeing people posting these videos and routines and I tried following some and realized I'm too unfit for most of them. I do not workout, ever. And now that I'm bored and basically not moving all day long, I decided it's time to fill my spare time with something.
I usually walk a lot during the day and I love to ride a bike when it gets warmer outside. To be honest, I could do those things now too, I should just stay away from people, but I've honestly lost the will to go outside. Everything is so empty and feels dead. We'll see how I'll feel in the next few days when the sun comes out again.
Anyhow, here's what I'll try to do while I'm in home prison. Hopefully it'll go well so I'll continue to do these and maybe add more as the time goes by.

  • 50 squats or 15 mins on orbitrek (with different levels of difficulty)
  • 10 times lifting weight - 3 series (shown here
  • 10 times pushing arms behind me with weights - 3 series (shown here
  • 10 times lifting my arms with weights to the side (straight arms) - 3 series (shown here
  • 10 times lifting my arms with weights to the side (L shaped arms) - 3 series (shown here
  • ** I do them all standing straight up and trying to keep my back and spine as still as possible.
Every other day:
  • 10 seconds of plank - 2 series
  • 10 leg rises - 2 series
Every other time I'm not doing the above exercises:
  • 10 crunches - 2 series
  • 10 sit-ups
Once a week:
  • 10 push-ups
If I'm not making myself clear, here's a little table of how I imagined it:

10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
30 squats
30 squats
30 squats
30 squats
30 squats
30 squats
30 squats
30 squats
30 squats
10 arms
10 arms
10 crunches
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 crunches
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 sit-ups
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 sit-ups
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 squats
10 squats
10 arms
10 squats
10 squats
10 squats
10 arms
10 squats
10 squats
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 leg rises
10 squats
10 leg rises
10 arms
10 leg rises
10 squats
10 leg rises
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 squats
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 squats
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 squats

10 arms
10 arms
10 arms
10 push-ups
10 arms
10 arms
10 arms

10 squats
10 squats
10 squats

10 squats
10 squats
10 squats

10 leg rises
10 crunches
10 leg rises

10 leg rises
10 crunches
10 leg rises

10 sit-ups

10 sit-ups

To be honest, I don't know if I'll be able to do this because I'm terrible at working out, but I know I definitely can do these. Also, I'll maybe take a day off here and there if I'll feel fatigued (which I shouldn't, but you never know).
And if you're wondering, routine should be done in about 30 minutes, but it depends on how fast you're doing some exercises, the breaks you take and so on. Don't feel pressured.

Do you like this routine? Do you feel like you would be able to follow it?

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